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There are many simple supplements which will help address the actual reasons why hemorrhoids occur. These can assist in strengthening the veins and improving the digestive system - most hemorrhoids sufferers find many added health benefits from this, apart from a cure for hemorrhoids.
These supplements have been the subject of clinical studies which have shown extremely effective results. This is the reason I question why doctors advise hemorrhoid sufferers against the use of natural hemorrhoid treatments. Considering some of the possible side-effects of prescription and over-the-counter hemorrhoid remedies, especially those containing cortis. I have often read that the best way to cure hemorrhoids is hemorrhoid surgery. This is frequently suggested by medical practitioners and laypeople alike as the most effective way to get rid of hemorrhoids
Yet I wonder: On what basis is this advice given? Certainly not research. I have studied hemorrhoids and other digestive disorders for more than 20 years and while it's true that hemorrhoid surgery can bring relief for most types of hemorrhoids - bleeding hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids - it is not without it's own possible side-effects. And it is not without pain. A hemorrhoidectomy can be an extremely painful operation. You will need pain-killers and time off work to recover. It can be a month or two before things begin to feel "normal" again.
We can choose to focus on the burdens, or we can choose to focus on goals, blessings, aspirations, or any other positive aspect of our lives.
Motivational teacher Tony Robbins said, "More than anything else, I believe it is our decisions, not the conditions of our lives that determine our destiny." I could not agree more with him. There is great power in deciding what we will and will not do with the brief and precious moments of our lives. The problem with so many people is that they know what they want (or think they do) but rarely make the decision to take meaningful actionto make their dreams a reality. Others make the wrong decisions because they buy the hype without conducting appropriate research.Most people seemingly choose to focus on the burdens. This practice can be devastating to our attitudes of success when we launch out to do anything new in our lives.
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PUT IT BACK! Or in gym lingo, re-rack your weights. If you pick something up, put something somewhere, drag something around, change anything, put it back to where it belongs. This is not difficult to do and believe me, there's a lot to the phrase "monkey see, monkey do!" You can be the change that you want to see or better yet, be part of. Trust me, everyone in the gym knows the guy/gal who refuses to "pick up their toys" and clean up after themselves. But that's the world, I'm afraid to say, so just be aware that you can make a difference and be an example of what can be.
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Further to bodybuilding in adults, sex-drive is another advantage. Bodybuilding increases the testosterone levels and therefore, sexual drive increases in the process. Many studies have revealed the truthfulness of this fact. A study published in 1991 Sports Med, showed that both men and women have a higher sexual appeal when bodybuilding and this creates an extra need. Especially dead lifts and squats, these are the major exercises which increase the GH and the respective testosterone levels. Judging from this, bodybuilding in adults cannot be compromised and it remains important.
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